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Monday, January 19, 2009

Just Things

The Beefeater reference in the title is unrelated. The college radio station I work at is purging their CD library, so I have obtained a few more things to put up when the time comes. I think its time I inform the more hardcore oriented that the next 5 or six posts are going to be mostly pop-punk and ska titles. I don't want things to stagnate, and I only have so much hardcore and emo. So if it's not heavy enough for you for the next little bit, stick with it; there will be more to come.

some other house keeping items:

The WHoR discography isn't up. I've uploaded it 4 times and something fucks it up every time. maybe next week.

I am doing a radio show on 88.3 WMTS, Murfreesboro, TN. My co-host and I usually record the show, so maybe i can get you a copy if you like. We play Ska music, and what ever else feels like being played. Everything from Aqua to Charles Bronson to Mineral. But its usually just ska of various flavors. Last week's show was cut short but otherwise we run from 6-8pm Central, and maybe you can listen online sometime soon. Streaming has been down for some time though. You'll be hearing more about the station as the year goes on.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Whore House of Representatives- Decay

This one is still available, but the copy I'm putting up is a promo copy I got when I ordered a Watership Down 7" about a year ago. It seems to have been printed in Malaysia, and has different art work than the official Un-Yelliman Records. I can't find a track listing for the official release, but i assume its the same, unless they manged to secure the tracks off the Mark Burback split. On to the meat of our topic. What you get with this discography is some 90's Seattle Anarcho-punk. Its fast, snotty, and occasionally pushes into hardcore and thrash territory. WHoR used to kick around with a lot of the Rodent Popsicle bands, and half the photos I found were with Toxic Narcotic or Brother Inferior. And that's much of what you get here. Female fronted punk that strays into hardcore and power violence territory from time to time.

I'd like to say I love all the music posted here, but I could take or leave this apparently, as it sat on my desk untouched for a year. Actually, for a while I forgot I had it. Its not bad, its just kind of generic. I tried to find out more about the band, but they seem to keep their info to themselves. Formed in 1993, seemed to be very active in the Seattle area, broke up in 1999, and are rather bitter about the state of the Seattle punk scene today(at least according to the liner notes of Decay)

This is one for fans of bands like FCP and Retching Red, which are both female fronted bands that are more aggressive that the typical Riot Grrl offerings.
the end

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Some things to check out from other folks.

Head over to Pets With Human Names in the links and check out the Cambodia Rocks Compilations dude posted a while back. Its a pretty cool compilation of 60's and 70's Cambodian garage, freakbeat, and psychedelic cuts. All rare stuff considering what happened in Cambodia. What a mess. Its a little eerie to think that most of the musicians on these records are probably buried in the Killing Fields.

This record, as well as Henry Rollins' recollections of visiting Laos, Cambodia a
nd Vietnam this past year have spurred me to learn more about the events under the Khmer Rouge. But on to less heavy subjects.

There are two compilations named Cambodian Rocks. Both are sort of like the Cambodian version of the popular
Nuggets compilation series. The sound quality is varied, probably due to quality of the recordings available. Some tracks are crystal clear, other have distinct sounds of pops, scratches, warps, tape hiss, etc. All the wonderful fun of converting analog media to analog media and then on to digital media. The original Parallel World compilation was gathered from some cassettes purchased in Phnom Penh by an American tourist.

Pets With Human Names, appears to have the Khmer Rocks CD's which are similar. There appears to be a debate about which compilation is better. I'll say this:

The Parallel World compilation, seems to have the more boundary pushing cuts, the Khmer Rocks series has actual liner notes, is more expansive(4 volumes) but seems to focus on fewer artists.
WFMU has the Parallel World comp up for download here. Pets with human names has three volumes of the other on his site. I'd link you, but you really aught to peruse his blog. pretty awesome and diverse stuff.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Dispatch 2- Happy New Year and Such

So I forgot to do that update last night... oops. Here's Dismemberment Plan's classic "The Ice of Boston". I can't tell you a damn thing about this band. I hope everyone had a safe New Year's Eve. I celebrated in fine (straight edge) style with a few champagne flutes of sparkling white grape juice. and then the rest of the bottle of said juice. One day I will post a funny picture of last night, and you can wish you'd been there. Or be glad you weren't. I won't tell you how to feel. I'll be back on Saturday with something rather different than the previous posts. Hope you'll enjoy it.

Dismemberment Plan- Ice of Boston

Also im gonna do my top albums of 2008

1. Dillinger 4- Civil War.

Thanks to the economic situation and my love of buying music either at a show, used, or by mail order, This was the only 2008 release I purchased this year. It's the new D4,


They picked up right where they left off, it was the sound track for my bike rides for a bout two months until my old bike was stolen off my girl friend's front porch while i went in to feed her cat and get her chinchilla to the vet. elapsed time from entering until finding that my bike was gone- 15minutes. Best day ever... Anyway, i'm done for the day, TTFN