I won't be making any posts until next week, and I am trying to space out the life of my record collection as I don't have the funds to acquire new titles as often. Yes I could pull rips from other sites, and I just may from time to time, but I would like to try and keep my posts of 10+ year old music somewhat fresh in that maybe it hasn't been posted before. Anyway, as I really want to get one more post in before the new year, (I haven't been this excited about a project in a while) I'm putting up some Indian Summer sourced from the wonderful archive that is Youtube.
Indian Summer is a band that has always intrigued me, yet I knew relatively little about, other than that they were from Oakland, did not name their tracks, and dude from Fourfa liked 'em. I began to look into them some last night in anticipation of writing this post and found out that they were comprised of ex-Mohinder members, and all the members are still making music of somesort. That's about it. everything else can be heard in the music. Loud/Soft dynamics to the extreme.
Some people say Still Life are the masters of this, but I always thought Still Life neglected the softer aspects. Indian Summer embrace them the way a child hugs a plush, or the way I would embrace a cashmire sweater. For me "Angry Son"(a.k.a. Woolworm, remember- no track names) is one of the most soul crushing songs I've ever heard, outside of some select Julia and Navio Forge offerings. I personally feel between "Angry Son" and "Reflections On Milkweed" you can get what you need from Indian Summer, and can see where they really shine, but with tracks like "Truman" and "Orchard" you can really hear that Mohinder heritage come through.
I hope that you enjoy this nice little live set from 1993. Please enjoy your New Year's Eve. Maybe I'll post something for you befor then, but you know how it is. Expect things to slow down after January, as I'll be in school again.
Indian Summer
Live at Pitzer College